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Gym Truck Chico is your best choice for a personal trainer in Chico CA, offering personal training at your convenience.

With over a decade of experience as a  personal trainer I had a vision. I found that as a personal trainer an hour at the gym 3 days a week simply wasn't enough for most clients and they found it easy to quit. They needed more... more time, better results and the confidence they would make a difference in their own life if they did the work. Gym Truck Chico was born. We come to you, saving your time, lot's of time and make it super convenient to get in your 30 to 45 minute workout every time, no excuses. That leads me to our core concepts...

Convenience - Accountability - Knowledge. It's not enough that you "can workout" it has to fit easily into your daily routine or you will quit, guaranteed! It's not your fault, up to now it's just been too difficult and inconvenient.

Convenience - Is the key. Because we come to you there is no need to "get ready for the gym" or "driving to the gym" or "waiting for your favorite workout equipment" we bring everything to you. We arrive on time, every time.

Accountability - It's not enough to have a plan you can follow. You need someone who cares enough about you to hold you accountable. We coach you through finding out what you want from your fitness journey, your workout goals, your expectations, what does that look like for you? Then we coach you through developing a plan to achieve it. Your personal trainer will hold you accountable when you are working out, of course, but he will also hold you accountable with check in on non-workout days. With Gym Truck Chico you are not alone on your fitness journey. What's more you have an expert on your side who has been training people just like you for over 10 years. As they say..."you are in good hands".

Knowledge - As a Gym Truck Chico client you will learn the right fitness routines and how to properly execute them for maximum results. You will earn the confidence that comes from expert guidance during your time training with Gym Truck Chico. You will know your personal training program forward and backwards and will be able to add or subtract exercises as needed and continue achieving your fitness goals.

I have assembled an excellent team of trainers in our town of Chico Ca. and we are expanding into the Roseville, Ca area. Like myself each personal trainer doesn’t just create workouts; they build individual fitness programs tailored to your individual goals. With a deep understanding of various exercise techniques, our trainers guide you through each step, ensuring your fitness routine is both effective and enjoyable. By combining innovative fitness strategies with personalized attention, our team fosters a supportive environment where every workout pushes your boundaries yet respects your body's limits.

Let our experts transform your fitness journey into a dynamic, inspiring experience that not only reshapes your body but also renews your mindset towards health and wellness.







Enjoy Your Transformation Experience
With Our 1:1 Coaches By Your Side

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Achieve Lasting Fitness Results with Gym Truck Chico

Begin your fitness journey with Gym Truck Chico, where your fitness goals are supported by expert personal training and tasty, healthy nutrition. We will work together, we ensure your path to fitness success is achievable on your schedule. We will focus on achieving results that can last a lifetime.
Before & After Fitness Picture Of James Biccum - Owner Of Gym Truck Chico
James Biccum Owner Of Gym Truck Chico Takes His Own Advice And Drops Weight And Gets Fit
Picture of a woman thinking after she has hit her weight plateau
Pensive Woman Considering Her Options After Hitting Her Plateau

Avoid Plateus Immediately to Stay On Track!

Ever get stuck? I mean you are putting in the work but nothing is happening. No gains, nothing… We have all been there and we can tell you what you already know, it’s no fun. Over the years we have paid attention to plateaus and have developed a systematic approach to consistently overcoming them. If you’re stuck and need help moving forward, call us and let us work with you on your personal training program. We’ll get you “unstuck” and back on track, moving forward toward your fitness goals.
Picture of a Gym Truck Chico client demonstrating muscle gain from workouts with Gym Truck Chico
Gym Truck Chico Client Demonstrating Muscle Gain

Be There For Yourself, So You Can Be There For Them

Make your health a priority with Gym Truck Chico. Always be at your best, for yourself and your family. With Gym Truck Chico, you'll gain the strength and energy of a lasting fitness transformation. Join us to change your life and show friends and family that taking care of yourself is the key to taking care of them.

Significant Weight Loss By A Gym Truck Chico Client
Before & After Fitness Picture of A Gym Truck Chico Client Who Lost Significant Weight

Maximize Results Quickly!

"It's a miracle...", No, not even close. You will find yourself becoming a new person on your transformation journey. Someone that is committed, relentless and capable. Reaching your fitness goals is your trophy,  your transformation happens in the doing. You will have more and be more: Self Confident, Capable, Goal Achiever, You Set The Example, Get Respect, Admiration, Personal Happiness, More Attractive, Easier Going, No Longer Stressed, all this because you are now doing things a little differently. "I must be kidding right", "No, not even close". You will find the successes you have been searching for. 100%!
You, and other people now understand why you had to do this???

Exercising Picture of an athlete pushing a tire across the parking lot for leg, arm and core strength
Fitness Enthusiast Pushing A Tire Across A Parking Lot

Never Again Doubt That You're Becoming You're Best Self!

Discover how to overcome mental doubts and consistently workout at your best with Gym Truck Chico. Learn to be mentally tough and physically strong. Boost confidence, set realistic goals, and celebrate your progress. Start your fitness journey today.

Picture of James Biccum - Owner of Gym Truck Chico - Smiling
James Biccum owner of Gym Truck Chico big smile

We Understand

Experience the difference a fitness coach can make. We recognize that adopting new fitness habits can be challenging and we know from experience that having a personal trainer by your side and on call is the best way we have found to reach your goals. Without the expected setbacks of plateauing, motivation, tempting foods and apathy. Bring Gym Truck Chico into your fitness journey and reap the rewards of our years of experience and acquired learning that comes from being a NASM Certified Personal Trainer. Read Reviews

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Convenience - The Ultimate Fitness Journey

Say goodbye to the frustration of prepping for the gym and wasting time waiting for equipment. What if you could bring the gym experience to your doorstep?

With Gym Truck Chico, your personal trainer comes directly to you. On time, every time. Picture yourself shedding pounds, building strength, or recovering from surgery faster—all without leaving the comfort of your own home. It’s more than just fitness—it’s about reclaiming time and your health on your terms.

Why wait months to see progress when we start tracking your results in the very first week? Call today for a free, private fitness consultation and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you.








Revolutionize Your Fitness Journey

Our Clients Before & Now Results



We want to hear about your experience at Gym Truck Chico.

Click on the logo below to leave us a review on your favorite site.
This takes just a few minutes and we appreciate you taking the time to this.


Here's what our customers have to say:
"Highly recommended 10 out of 10 I had an injured bicep. James, put me on a program that helped me get back to 100%. I didn’t think it could be done better than physical therapy. Thanks again you’re the best."
— Angel
"I have worked with James for over three years; before him I hadn't been able to keep a fitness routine for more than 3 months. He is amazing at meeting you where you are at and building you up from there, old or young, weak or strong, out-of-shape or in-shape. I can honestly say that it is because of him my middle-aged a$$ has been able to participate in my children's fitness activities that I normally wouldn't have been able to; multiple 5Ks, wildflower bike rides, and backpacking trips in the high Sierras, all because of our work together. Do yourself a favor, contact James, it's never too late to start living a more healthy lifestyle."
— Phillip S.
"Working with James has been such a life changing experience from the personally curated work outs to weekly check ins and just the real feeling of support and connection has been something I didn't know that I needed. I have created so much more stamina, strength, and mental resilience during the last few months of us working together. Thank you So much !!!"
— Chalise
"If struggled with PCOS/Insulin resistance weight gain for years! I knew my eating habits were part of the problem but had no idea how to help myself and go in the right direction. I met coach James and knew that he was the help I needed! Coach James has helped me understand how to eat right for my body type! He’s guided me in what proper nutrition and macros looks like but still taste good! I needed accountability and Coach James gives me that! He’s available when ever I need a question answered, I love our check ins and his motivation he gives me and my family!! I started at a size 18 in jeans and now in a size 14 and in the last six weeks my jeans are getting loose again! If you want sustainable life changing differences then I would definitely reach out to Coach James at Gym Truck in Chico! 👏👏👏👏👏"
— Leilani M.
"I was slightly skeptical signing up with James and Gym Truck Chico. I’ve tried to lose weight in the past and ended up doing it ways that are not sustainable. I am SO GLAD I signed up for 7 months! I have already lost 13 pounds and I haven’t hit the two month mark yet. James is such a great coach and he makes himself available 24/7 for support. The nutritional plan and workouts are tailored specifically to ME and MY goals. I feel better than I ever have and I’ve healed injuries that have been plaguing me for months. Invest in yourself and sign up with James and Gym Truck Chico—it will be the best money you’ve ever spent"
— Jania J.
"Having been a customer of Gym Truck for over 3 years since February of 2021, I have found James and his company to be the best option to keep me accountable to my body with my busy schedule. His truck will be in my driveway at 5:30 whether I want to or not, and that’s the extra nudge I needed. Not only is James my trainer, I consider him a trusted friend of our family. Highly recommend!"
— Steve N.
"I was finding it hard to stay on track and exercise regularly.  James has been the perfect answer.  He knows what he's doing, keeps me accountable, and is fun and friendly.  Home training is also very convenient and comfortable.  I look forward to my time working out and always feel great afterwards.  Highly recommend."
— Cycle W.
"I can recommend Gym Truck. My wife and I been working out with them for about two years. My personal results went from 299 to almost 263t does not sound like a lot but a 44 to a 38 waist. I have learned volume control on eating and better ways to pick up things. I am 57 and a heavy equipment mechanic. I need to be careful move properly and enjoy retirement when i get to. Losing size has helped greatly reduce back pain and sore knees give them a try."
— William S.
"It’s been 6 months of experience with James at GymTruckChico so far! After reading pretty great reviews on google, and watching introductory video on his website, I was sure that James was the right person to help me with my transformation. 6 months later I don’t have a single doubt about it ! James has professional but also very personable approach to his clients! Understanding, supporting along the way, motivating and 100% knowing how to help his client to succeed! That’s my experience. What I especially love about my training - is that not only my body gets stronger and in shape, but also my mind! It’s very critical for me, because I want to grow and be successful in my everyday life! James definitely helps with it through sharing his knowledge and focusing on what is important! Thank you James, thank you GTC!"
— Yana S.
"I started my journey about a month ago and it has been the best experience yet! James is amazing at what he does! He truly cares about helping his clients reach their goals and is always willing to help with any questions one might have. Whenever I have a question, I send him a text and he’s usually pretty quick about responding! I am a mother of 2 active kids, I work full time and I am applying to nursing schools but since I’ve started my journey I’ve lost 9 lbs! I am already feeling healthier and can see the results when I take my clothes off or look in the mirror. I am so grateful to have a coach like James who is guiding me through it all! I can’t wait to crush more goals and see the results! 10/10, highly recommend!"
— Jessica M.


3 Reasons to hire A Personal Trainer

01 Accountability

A personal trainer will help you commit and stick to your fitness goals. From showing up to sessions, to completing workouts, to eating healthy, a personal trainer can help you stay on track. No more money wasted on unused gym memberships. Reviews.


02 Safety

A personal trainer will help you with your form and technique to make sure you are working out correctly and safely. If your form is not correct, you are at risk of injury as well as not achieving your goals. Don't let this happen to you, train with a Chico Personal Trainer. Reviews.


03 Faster Results

A personal trainer can help you maximize your results and achieve your fitness goals faster than working out alone. Their years of experience, targeted on your workouts, will accelerate your learning and reduce the time it takes to get real results. Reviews.

Bands and floor work by a Gym Truck Chico woman client at our new gym facility in Chico Ca
Gym Truck Chico client chose to workout at our new gym location.

My Journey to Self-Love:

Embracing a Transformative Personal Fitness Path

There was a time when mirrors were my enemy. Each reflection underscored my struggles and insecurities, making me want to turn away and forget. But that all changed when I embarked on a transformative personal fitness journey that reshaped not only my body but also my entire outlook on life.

This journey wasn't just about physical transformation; it was about discovering a harmonious balance that catered to both my body and my mind. I learned that true change comes from a holistic approach—where disciplined physical training aligns perfectly with giving your body the right kind of fuel it needs to perform at its best. It's not just about hitting the gym; it's about embracing a lifestyle that nourishes you completely.
As I progressed, the small victories began to add up. The weights I could lift grew heavier, my stamina increased, and slowly, the reflection in the mirror started to change. It wasn’t just my physique that was transforming; I was becoming more confident, energized, and genuinely happier with who I was becoming.
Now, when I look in the mirror, I see someone who took charge of their life and steered it in a direction I once thought was impossible. This journey has taught me resilience, discipline, and the importance of treating my body like a temple.
If you're on the fence about starting your own journey, remember that every transformation starts with a single step. And while the physical workouts are crucial, the true secret lies in complementing those efforts with choices that nurture and sustain your body overall.
Curious to know more about embarking on your own transformative personal fitness journey? The path to loving your reflection starts here, and it’s more fulfilling than you can imagine. Let's explore this path together!


Personal Training in Chico CA That Gets Noticeable Results

Say goodbye to the hassle of prepping for the gym and waiting in long lines for equipment. With your Chico Personal Trainer, the gym comes to you. Imagine achieving your fitness goals right from the comfort of your own home. Let us make your fitness journey convenient, personal, and effective.