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Basics Of Functional Strength Protocol phase 1

BFS 1 was developed to focus on GPP (General Physical Preparedness) Giving you the ability to gain strength, stamina, endurance, mobility, and overall conditioning. The goal with this protocol is to condition the joints, build lean muscle mass, decrease overall pain, and give you a great first step in the right direction.
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Basics of Functional Strength Protocol Phase 2 -

Description - bfs 2 is designed to take you to the next level. In bfs 1 you were introduced to some pillar movements that will help you stay in the best possible shape for a long long time. Now it’s time to turn it up. You can expect more dynamic movement, compound lifts, and increased work capacity that will test your conditioning. Have fun
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Basics of Functional Strength Protocol Phase 3 -
Description - in bfs 3 you will yet again be pushed to your limits. The volume alone is enough to make you want to quit, but you won’t. Because you want to be the best you you can be. Because Phase 1 and 2 set you up to be successful in phase 3. You’ve got this, now go get it!
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Description - struggle with shoulder pain? I’ve got you. I’ve created a bullet proof shoulder system designed to put newly oxygenated blood back into the damaged tissue healing it from the inside out. Most of this will be done with what is referred to as accommodated resistance (bands) with a secondary focus on mobility and flexibility. Not only is this system to help heal your shoulder but once it feels better to keep it strong so that injury is less likely in the future.

(Disclaimer: Before starting any sort of program, you should contact a physician. We do not claim to fix all injuries or ailments. we have simply done our own case studies with thousands of clients and this is what has helped fix a plethora of shoulder issues)
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